Pity Party First, Kick Ass Later

Sister, I know how it is because I've been there. The world is screaming "calm down" but you know that that's not an option. You want to scream, swear, stomp your feet, pout, binge watch netflix with your favorite comfort food, curl up in a ball, cry, and make the world revolve around your pain. Well guess what? You should. 

I am a firm believer that you must pity party first, and kick ass later. 

Success and inspiration can be found in the lowest of places. Let yourself have a pity party, eat an entire tub of ice cream, binge watch trash tv, scream at the universe; then you will be able to tackle your issues and conquer the world. Pity Party…

Ugly Self-Care is a THING! 

To some people, self care means putting on your favorite facial mask with a bath bomb. However to a lot of us, self care means ugly crying and screaming at the "master creator" for what they have done for you. I call this "ugly self-care" but in reality, it has the most beautiful results. Let me tell you why this works: 

  • You cannot overcome a victim mindset without first thinking like a victim. 
  • You cannot live a happy and productive life with pains and challenges clouding your brain. 
  • It is okay to experience emotions; they are natural. 
  • If you do not let yourself feel, your body and spirit takes on the burdens of the emotional body.

The Victim Mindset vs. The Hero Mindset

Be the hero in your story and overcome that victim mindset. 

Be the hero in your story and overcome that victim mindset. 

A good story begins with a naive character, the challenge that they endure, and their heroic rise to overcome. A victim mindset is someone who is naive, faces a challenge, and lives in the realm of things like "why me" or "story of my life." They believe that unjust things will always happen to them; thus attracting more negativity into their life. To be a hero, we must first be the victim. Experience victimhood. Figure out your escape. Figure out the obstacles you have to overcome. Turn yourself into a survivor. 

Best Way To Move Clouds Is To First Storm

What happens when the sky is overcast? You pray for it to just rain, thunder, lightning- anything!!! to bring back your beautiful blue sky. Let your body cry it out, let your body scream it out, punch a pillow, do what you need to do to recover. If you keep those pent up emotions inside, your brain will suffer. The Director of the Psychiatry Research Lab at St. Paul-Ramsey Medical Center states, "People say they feel better after crying and our data shows this is so." Frey's studies have proven that crying is the body's natural response to any sort of stress, and that many feel comforted and relieved after letting it out. It has been shown that lack of tears can contribute to stress and brain disease down the road.

If you don't let it OUT, your body and aura take on the burdens of keeping it pent up inside

Built up anger, aggression, and stress lingers in the energy body and can cause migraines, tension, and inflammation. It can also contribute to poor gut health like indigestion and constipation. Not to mention your energy suffers greatly. Your aura will be clouded. People will come into contact with you less and less because your energy is no longer compelling. Friends may disappear or treat you differently. Your subtle body will suffer. 

Take a look at how keeping our emotions bottled up effects the chakras. This is what makes it so important to experience our feelings, thoughts, and emotions. If you keep everything pent up inside, your subtle body suffers; and thus creates a more p…

Observe Your Emotions, Then Let Your Emotions Pass

There is a great meditation known as "Leaves on the Stream." In this exercise, you take every thought you have and place it on a leaf floating down the river. This allows you to observe that thought or emotion, and watch it pass. Learning this technique can help you in your day-to-day life by not beating yourself up for experiencing an emotion but also not holding on to that emotion. It helps you separate yourself from that emotion by extending an awareness, and also can help you detach from it to let it float away. Listen below. 

Set this as your phone background for a peaceful reminder whenever you check the time or texts. Leaves on a stream mindfulness exercise will help you observe and let go. 

Set this as your phone background for a peaceful reminder whenever you check the time or texts. Leaves on a stream mindfulness exercise will help you observe and let go. 

It is human nature to feel, and dangerous to push our feelings aside. To delve into your emotional responses is the ultimate form of courage and strength. To let the tears pour out, the cries and screams be heard, to let yourself be in a state of darkness. Once you are submerged in the darkness you will be able to find your way to the light easier. If you harbor these emotions within you for too long, they will escalate and worsen. PLEASE allow yourself a pity party for whatever bad news you have experienced... and then conquer from there. 

When Does the Pity Party End? 

Deadlines are so important! This will help prevent you from letting your pity party spiral out of control into a prolonged state of depression and victimhood. Mine is anywhere from 1-3 days then you can begin faking it. You may not be completely healed, but you will feel a lot better. Over time, faking it can help you return to your normal self. It can help patch up the holes that were left open after such a big release of emotion. It can replenish your soul and counteract the difficult emotions that you just experienced. 

What is Your Ugly Self-Care / Pity Party Ritual? 

I LOVE to hear from my readers! Let me know what your go-to ugly self care routine is or how letting it out has helped you feel good enough to conquer your goals and kick ass! 

Why Amber Should Be Your Next GO-TO Crystal

One crystal I never shut up about is Amber... which actually isn't even a real crystal. Amber is fossilized tree resin, but it still gives off AMAZING energy and health benefits for all ages (babies too!)

amber healing stone

I used to work at a crystal store and we carried Amber teething necklaces. You would be amazed at how many couples came back with their little ones to rave about how amazed they were at how the Amber really helped! The stories our staff would hear were amazing - like the crystals gave the little ones immediate relief. So awesome! 

If you are interested in buying an Amber teething necklace, PLEASE BE SURE to be cautious while shopping. The photo above is from a reputable seller with amazing reviews and genuine amber. Don't believe me? Read her reviews! You can shop from AmberAndHaze by clicking right here or the photo above.  

Checklist for Amber teething necklace shopping: 

  • Is it safe? (Just because someone can string amber on elastic doesn't mean they should! knotted is the way to go with a safe clasp.)
  • Is it from a reputable seller? (read the reviews, read their bio, get in contact with them!!!!) 
  • Is it genuine amber? (acrylic and glass do not do the same thing, friends.)

I suffer from TMJ pain... well - not anymore I should add. I stopped experiencing the pain that comes along with grinding your teeth after I slept with Amber. Folks - I could have went with Amethyst, but that crystal can really mess with you dreams. I could have went with quartz - A "master healer" - but it keeps you awake. I could have went with any other crystal but I figured if Amber works for a baby's teeth, I'm sure it will work for mine. The next morning after trying this I had NO pain in my jaw! I do not sleep with the crystal anymore and haven't in two years and I have no issues with this anymore. 

Visit my shop or etsy page to find beautiful amber jewelry! Check out my instagram for more crystal tips

Visit my shop or etsy page to find beautiful amber jewelry! Check out my instagram for more crystal tips

I do wear Amber almost every day as a necklace, around my waist, or as a ring. I have struggled with terrible sciatic pain and back pain and every time I wear Amber I notice significant difference. 

I wear this crystal during my moon cycle. WOMEN - This is one of the best healing stones for period cramps and pains that I have ever met in my life. Wearing it against your body during your moon cycle helps your feminine nature realign. Say goodbye to terrible PMS symptoms... This crystal has got your back!

Amber is amazing for the digestive system (find out more here!), reproductive system and fertility, endocrine system, physical pain, and so much more! It is also an amazing stone for enhancing creativity, joy, and personal power. This crystal identifies with the Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras. 

Depression and anxiety are also treatable with the use of Amber. Check out this article on: Healing Depression with Crystals

I highly recommend checking out getting your own! 

An Upstate New Yorker's Guide To Crystal Shopping

If you're an Upstate New Yorker like me, you may have had some trouble finding the perfect spot to get your healing crystals. When I lived in the Catskills, I used to drive over an hour to shop for stones, so I understand the struggle - and yes it is real. I hope this guide can help you find the crystal shop of your dreams. 

Tushita Heaven - Saratoga Springs

My favorite!!! I used to love going to this store and would reserve an entire day to browse. The crystals this store has have a unique, beautiful, light energy. I feel as though of all my crystals, the ones from Tushita Heaven have the strongest power. The only trouble I had with this store is the prices were a little high for what I was used to seeing. However, for the quality and the energy - it was well worth the price. From tumbled stones, to palm stones, to collector's pieces - they've got it all. I was also impressed by this store's book and oracle card selection. While you're shopping at Tushita Heaven, be sure to get a reading. They get some of the best psychics and tarot readers. Tushita Heaven is also my favorite place to buy gifts; they carry several home decor items that I have gifted to others that are still absolutely treasured by them. 

Photo From Tushita Heaven

Photo From Tushita Heaven


The best place to park is in the free parking garage located just around the corner! Tushita Heaven is full of great finds. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled so you don't miss out on anything! My favorite crystal I have brought from this store is a Fenster Quartz that has the perfect enhydro. You can literally see the water droplet move. 

The Magic Moon - Saratoga Springs

This shop is located at 15 Phila St., Saratoga Springs, New York 12866Photo from Yelp

This shop is located at 15 Phila St., Saratoga Springs, New York 12866

Photo from Yelp

While you are shopping in Saratoga Springs, be sure to walk around the corner to visit The Magic Moon. One thing I love about this store is their friendly staff. It is so difficult to walk into a crystal shop and be left alone while you want to browse, as some people want to be the guru and even sometimes a security officer. However, when you have a question, the customer service is impeccable and the ladies here know their stuff!

This used to be a small crowded store, but they have expanded since I last visited. While you're there, check out the dressing room! The artwork on the walls was unforgettable, feminine, and expressive. This store is amazing for purchasing candles, clothes, and of course CRYSTALS! This shop opened in the 1970's, contributing to Saratoga Springs' amazing history. 

They have some beautiful pieces behind the counter, but many items around the store that you are free to touch. Photo from Yelp

They have some beautiful pieces behind the counter, but many items around the store that you are free to touch. Photo from Yelp

This store fills every nook and cranny with their wide variety. They have everything for the hippie, the witch, and the spiritualist. I've bought many crystals, gifts, bumper stickers, candles, and oils from here. They also have some really cute clothes - perfect for festival season! 

Tannãre - Walton

Some of Tammy's beautiful furniture! Photo from Facebook

Some of Tammy's beautiful furniture! Photo from Facebook

I am blessed to be friends with the owner of this eclectic boutique, Tammy - a loving goddess who is tough as a nail and still has the biggest heart. Her shop is full of artisan crafts from the gorgeous furniture she upcycles and custom signs she creates, to goods crafted by local artists. There are many talented people in our small county who don't get the recognition they deserve, and Tannãre offers them a chance to display their wonderful items. From everything to unique woodcarvings, to jewelry, to custom cards (I also have a few products in her store!). Tannãre is also a great place to fulfill your natural needs. The owner creates her own line of Full Moon Elixirs: natural goods including body scrubs, laundry detergents, and my favorite - the waxing and waning body whip. 

Tannãre frequently gives back to the community by composing beautiful gift baskets to be auctioned or raffled. She recently has begun offering "Creating Chaos" classes to give the community a chance to express themselves creatively by offering art projects that you can take home (and want to take home - step aside, paint & sip!!!

Obviously this store wouldn't be mentioned if it weren't for the crystals she offers! From amazing deals on her Himalayan Salt Lamps, to beautiful tumbled stones, to spells in a jar. She sometimes carries home decor for the bohemian soul; such as beautiful dreamcatchers or tapestries. 

Props to Tannãre for bringing a bit of light into our rural community! This shop is a true hidden gem (no pun intended!) 

Located at 150 Delaware St., Walton, NY 13856.

Shop Tannãre's amazing line of Full Moon Elixir products - sugar scrubs, himalayan salt scrubs, body whip, laundry soap, and so much more! Photo from Facebook.

Shop Tannãre's amazing line of Full Moon Elixir products - sugar scrubs, himalayan salt scrubs, body whip, laundry soap, and so much more! Photo from Facebook.

A crystal shop in the catskills!? Photo from facebook.

A crystal shop in the catskills!? Photo from facebook.

The hidden gem of Delaware County, New York! Photo from facebook.

The hidden gem of Delaware County, New York! Photo from facebook.

Crystal Connection - Wurtsboro

"The Church of a Thousand Crystals" Photo here. 

"The Church of a Thousand Crystals" 

Photo here. 

This shop has gotten some awesome attention lately from Insider's video that went viral. If you missed it, you can watch it below. If you plan on checking out this shop, be sure to make a day of it because there is just so much to see. I love Crystal Connection for providing knowledge and information to the public. They offer a ton of workshops and classes. Crystal Connection is also more than a store, it a place of healing and self knowledge. While you're here try a reiki session, a reading, or even aura photography to see what your aura looks like. This shop also offers psychic fairs! 

This beautiful shop has amazing prices on crystals and an immense selection. With all the hype of this store, they truly keep their prices affordable for all to enjoy the beauty and energy of the stones. This store is for the spiritual one, the one seeking enlightenment, the one possessing magic. However, if you are just learning stones - this is a great place to start. 

The location of Crystal Connection is 116 Sullivan St, Wurtsboro NY 12790. 

Must....touch....everything! Can you feel the energy from the picture? Photo here.

Must....touch....everything! Can you feel the energy from the picture? 

Photo here.

Nutz - Wappingers Falls


If you're more of a hippie than a goddess, I say go to Nutz! When I first pulled into the parking lot of this store, I did not believe that crystals were going to be inside! However, they have a huge selection of crystals, singing bowls, smudge sticks, deity figures, and oils - even among all the bongs and pipes (for tobacco, of course). They have a wide selection of incense and candles, tapestries, and everything else you could ever want out of a store. However, if you're like me and you want to touch the crystals before you buy, this may not be the shop for you. Most of their items are locked away. Feeling the energy of the stones is a huge part of the crystal shopping experience, so if you want to tap into that vibe, I would recommend a store that lets you do that instead. 

Photo from yelp. 

Photo from yelp. 

Dreaming Goddess - Poughkeepsie

The Dreaming Goddess is a shop like no others. From one twenty-something-year-old-free-spirit-love-and-light-believer-modern-flower-child to the next, this is the shop to go to!!! They have beautiful clothes (the kind we actually WANT to wear), they carry beautiful crystals, and they offer classes - another store that's not afraid to share their knowledge and light. This store combines the sacred culture behind esoteric practices with a modern twist. They tend to our current culture, but do not allow us to forget the beauty in ancient practices.

Give me ALL the Amethyst! Photo here. 

Give me ALL the Amethyst! Photo here. 

"We’re creating ceremony relevant to our time and to our culture, allowing these auspicious days to have deep meaning in our lives and in our connection to the Earth. "
- The Dreaming Goddess
Photo here. 

Photo here. 

Sacred sprays, herbs, roots, resins, candles, oils, tumbled stones, raw crystals, exquisite specimens, jewelry, and pottery are just some of the wonderful products offered by this shop. This shop also recycles your old books! Great way to save the trees and spread the love! Another way this shop gives back is by helping build bridges for their customers and an array of charities. Pay it forward, get karma on your side, help one in need, and donate as you shop. 

A metaphysical boutique! A true beauty of a shop. Photo from yelp. 

A metaphysical boutique! A true beauty of a shop. Photo from yelp

Once again, boho babe, you've found the store for you. You've found the place to build connection with yourself, with like-minded souls, with the beauty of the earth, and with spirit. This is not just a crystal shop, this is a boutique for the modern goddess. 

Located 44 Raymond Ave, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

Don't forget to head around the corner to the sanctuary. Info & photo here. 

Don't forget to head around the corner to the sanctuary. Info & photo here. 

Where to find the best new age, metaphysical, crystal shops in upstate new york; northern new york, western new york, southern new york, central new york, the hudson valley, and the capital region. 

Crystal Shops In Upstate New York

Central New York

Western New York

Southeast New York

Northern New York

Hudson Valley New York

Capital Region New York

South Central New York

Thank you for reading! Please keep in touch - let me know how your crystal shopping goes and which of these was your favorite.