Why Amber Should Be Your Next GO-TO Crystal

One crystal I never shut up about is Amber... which actually isn't even a real crystal. Amber is fossilized tree resin, but it still gives off AMAZING energy and health benefits for all ages (babies too!)

amber healing stone

I used to work at a crystal store and we carried Amber teething necklaces. You would be amazed at how many couples came back with their little ones to rave about how amazed they were at how the Amber really helped! The stories our staff would hear were amazing - like the crystals gave the little ones immediate relief. So awesome! 

If you are interested in buying an Amber teething necklace, PLEASE BE SURE to be cautious while shopping. The photo above is from a reputable seller with amazing reviews and genuine amber. Don't believe me? Read her reviews! You can shop from AmberAndHaze by clicking right here or the photo above.  

Checklist for Amber teething necklace shopping: 

  • Is it safe? (Just because someone can string amber on elastic doesn't mean they should! knotted is the way to go with a safe clasp.)
  • Is it from a reputable seller? (read the reviews, read their bio, get in contact with them!!!!) 
  • Is it genuine amber? (acrylic and glass do not do the same thing, friends.)

I suffer from TMJ pain... well - not anymore I should add. I stopped experiencing the pain that comes along with grinding your teeth after I slept with Amber. Folks - I could have went with Amethyst, but that crystal can really mess with you dreams. I could have went with quartz - A "master healer" - but it keeps you awake. I could have went with any other crystal but I figured if Amber works for a baby's teeth, I'm sure it will work for mine. The next morning after trying this I had NO pain in my jaw! I do not sleep with the crystal anymore and haven't in two years and I have no issues with this anymore. 

Visit my shop or etsy page to find beautiful amber jewelry! Check out my instagram for more crystal tips

Visit my shop or etsy page to find beautiful amber jewelry! Check out my instagram for more crystal tips

I do wear Amber almost every day as a necklace, around my waist, or as a ring. I have struggled with terrible sciatic pain and back pain and every time I wear Amber I notice significant difference. 

I wear this crystal during my moon cycle. WOMEN - This is one of the best healing stones for period cramps and pains that I have ever met in my life. Wearing it against your body during your moon cycle helps your feminine nature realign. Say goodbye to terrible PMS symptoms... This crystal has got your back!

Amber is amazing for the digestive system (find out more here!), reproductive system and fertility, endocrine system, physical pain, and so much more! It is also an amazing stone for enhancing creativity, joy, and personal power. This crystal identifies with the Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras. 

Depression and anxiety are also treatable with the use of Amber. Check out this article on: Healing Depression with Crystals

I highly recommend checking out getting your own!